Yet another redesign at
Updates to safebrowsing-python
Updates to Safebrowsing-python
Two days back, I made quite big changes to safebrowsing-python, the python library for looking up blacklisted URLs against Google's updated phishing and malware database.
The changes are:
- Added support for databases like Mysql, Postgresql. Previously, SQLite was the only supported database.
- It is quite easy to …
Django 1.1 beta released
Django Beta 1.1 (ship1) released
Though slightly behind schedule, Django 1.1 beta was released yesterday. It offers a lot of new features compared to the last stable release 1.0. A few of the notable ones are:
- Model Aggregation
- Query Expressions
- Fast Tests
- Unmananaged & Proxy Models
- Deferred Fields …
Yet another threaded comments app
A reusable threaded comments app
This week I am releasing code for yet another reusable app and yet another threaded-comments app. There are quite a few threaded comment apps around but the best one being this by Eric Florenzano.
The motive of releasing this code is not to compete with …
Reusable recaptcha comments app
Split a large CSV into smaller CSVs
Split a large CSV file into smaller CSVs
At work, we sometimes have to deal with huge CSV files and it is difficult to open these files in memory because there is a limit of the buffer size.
So the best way would be to split the file into smaller …
Install Fedora from a USB disk without a DVD
Handle ACPI events in Linux
Handle ACPI Events in Linux
Off late, I have been working totally in runlevel 3 to replicate the setup and feel at work. The only grudge I have with runlevel 3 is that there is no easy way to figure out the battery level of the laptop.
So I googled …
Another Method: Comments for Authenticated Users
Another Method: Comments for Authenticated Users
In my previous post, I got a comment from Joshua Works who gave an interesting suggestion of not constructing fields for the name, email and url in the form as opposed to my method of using javascript to populate them. Each method has it's …
Part 2: Django Comments for Authenticated Users
Part 2: Django Comments for Authenticated Users
In the previous part, we had seen how to setup the basic portions of the project. In this part, we are going to build on that and achieve using the comments framework to accept comments from registered users only.