
Thu 17 April 2008 by Thejaswi Puthraya revamped

Django has been evolving quietly but steadily. 6 months back when I deployed my site, I gambled and used newforms-admin to be able to experiment. Later, I realized that my blog had a few readers and experimentation would piss them off. Despite this, I managed to redesign the look of the site twice. This time, the site has been written, designed and deployed from scratch taking benefit of a lot of new features of django and other technologies. For the first time, I have managed to stick to certain "best practices" while developing and deploying the site. I keep my "fingers crossed" and hope the site is future proof.

The new features of the site are:

  • Support for SlugField in the Blog.
  • Search support brought to you by xapian.
  • Refactored blog code to make it faster.
  • Removed loads of crap features.
  • Media and static files are handled by Nginx.
  • The site is deployed on Apache + Mod-Wsgi. Thanks Graham Dumpleton
  • No...I have not moved the site to another hosting provider, I still use Webfaction. I love their service but only wish they provide VPS support and help people like me avoid the pain of compiling packages from scratch.
  • New UI inspired heavily from Thin's site.
  • Dynamic feeds. No more feed generation through cron jobs.