The Class
Tue 23 July 2013 by Thejaswi PuthrayaWhat memories from college would resurface on your class' 25th reunion? Would you still harbour animosity from college or let bygones be bygones? "The Class" by Erich Segal narrates the story of Harvard batch of 1958 until their 25th reunion.
Andrew Eliot joins Harvard, with a huge burden on his shoulders, his family's legacy. Through his diary entries he tracks colourful characters like Ted Lambros, Jason Gilbert, George Keller and Daniel Rossi. Ted Lambros' ambition is to become a scholar in classical Greek and head the department at Harvard. Jason, a champion sportsman faces an identity crisis and wants to connect with his roots. George Keller on the other hand wants to get far away from his roots and excel in politics. Daniel Rossi wants to become a world class pianist.
The first half of the book covers their college life and is entertaining but the second half covering their matrimonies is slightly depressing. Nonetheless, this book is a fine read for it's style and characterization.