Mon 15 April 2013 by Thejaswi Puthraya

I had heard of the phrases "Orwellian Future" and "Big Brother is watching you" many times but never appreciated the seriousness they conveyed until I read this book.

In 1984, Oceania (a fictitious country) is controlled by a totalitarian regime headed by "The Party" symbolized by "Big Brother". Every member of the society is under pervasive surveillance and under thought control. Despite such restrictions, Winston Smith an intellectual and a worker for the party begins questioning the methods of the party. He sets off on a search for like-minded people and bumps into Julia. He feels assured to hear that Julia, whom he starts loving isn't the only one to share his ideology but his happiness is short lived after he is betrayed.

While reading the book, you can't stop drawing parallels to China or North Korea where a single party governs and makes heavy use of propaganda and surveillance to control and monitor it's citizens. Though the book was written in 1949, it's timeless and a breezy read.